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Report for the "Report on the state of forests" as of 1st January r. Choose report range: [click to choose forms of ownership] no limitations Forms of ownership forests owned by commune other forests owned by State Treasury forest managed by the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR) private forest managed by the State Forests managed by the national parks [click to choose administration units] no limitations Selection covers more than 100 counties. The 'for each selected county' option will not be available. [click to choose State Forests units] no limitations Selection covers more than 100 inspectorates/parks. The 'for each selected inspectorate/park' option will not be available. [click to choose lands] no limitations Report format: PDF XLS Number of selected reports:1 Please wait while performing map selection in background. Generating this number of reports may take few minutes. Selection possible only if layer in list is selected! Query results exceeded 50 000 records. This is the maximum number of objects returned by server which makes generating report possible. Operation will be aborted. Yes No Selected objects count: 0 Report creation failed Close window Warning. Changing the report year will cancel the defined data range criteria. Do you want to continue? Yes No