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Private forests

On the territory of Poland 94,1% of private forests are the property of individual persons. A relatively substantial part of privately-owned forests is owned by land communes (about 4%). The remaining part, i.e. private forest belonging to farming cooperatives, churches, religious associations, trade unions and others, occupies a comparatively small area.


Private forests are spread unevenly over the area of Poland, obviously due to the impact of our history. Forest of individual private ownership have the smallest share in the total forest area in the territory of the so-called Reclaimed Lands, and partly in the lands formerly annexed by Prussia as well as in the area covered by the Military Operation ‘Wisła’ in the south-east Poland. On the other hand, in the areas of Podlasie and Lubelszczyzna the share of private forests is substantial: the biggest share of private forests amounting 70% is in the east, where the former minor properties of the nobility and ‘zaścianki’ were located, namely in the Wysokie Mazowieckie county (79%), Siedlce (73%) and Sokołów (70%), and in the Carpathian foothills of the Małopolska region in the Myślenickie county (71%). In 215 out of 314 land counties, the share of private property in the total forest area accounts for less than 30%. In 32 counties this share exceeds 50%.

Total area of private forests - as of January 1, 2022 - amounted to 1,787 thousand hectares; the standing volume was 468 million m3 and the average age of stands was about 54 years. The average standing volume amounted to 262 m3 per hectare of the forest area.

Since there are few reliable data sources, the principal felling management tasks were estimated basing only on the data on final felling and pre-final felling in private forests included in the National Forest Inventory and accounted for about 4.1 million m3 gross annually, which comprised:

In private forests, the dominant forest habitat type are lowland habitats of mixed forests.

The dominant species with the highest share in private forests are: pine (55.3%), birch (9.9%) and alder (8.3%).


Local authority-owned forests

Total area of local authority-owned forests - as of January 1, 2022 - amounted to 84 thousand hectares; the standing volume was 32 thousand m3 and the average age of stands was about 74 years. The average standing volume amounted to 384 m3 per hectare of the forest area.

Since there are few reliable data sources, the principal felling management tasks were estimated basing only on the data on final felling and pre-final felling in local authority-owned forests included in the National Forest Inventory and accounted for about 190 thousand m3 gross annually, which comprised:

The greatest number of local authority-owned forests occur in lowland mixed forest habitats.

The dominant species with the highest share in local authority-owned forests are: pine (39.5%), beech (12.6%) and oak (10.0%).


Forests in the Agricultural Property Stock of the Treasury

Total area of forests in the Agricultural Property Stock of the Treasury - as of January 1, 2022 - amounted to 29 thousand hectares; the standing volume was 8 thousand m3 and the average age of stands was about 59 years. The average standing volume amounted to 298 m3 per hectare of the forest area.

Since there are few reliable data sources, the principal felling management tasks were estimated basing only on the data on final felling and pre-final felling in forests in the Agricultural Property Stock of the Treasury included in the National Forest Inventory and accounted for about 74 thousand m3 gross annually, which comprised:

In forests in the Agricultural Property Stock of the Treasury, the dominant forest habitat type are lowland forest habitats.

The dominant species with the highest share in forests in the Agricultural Property Stock of the Treasury are: alder (25.2%), pine (18.0%) and birch (12.0%).


Forests under National Park management

Total area of forests under National Park management - as of January 1, 2022 - amounted to 183 thousand hectares; the standing volume was 73 thousand m3 and the average age of stands was about 85 years. The average standing volume amounted to 395 m3 per hectare of the forest area.

Since there are few reliable data sources, the principal felling management tasks were estimated basing only on the data on final felling and pre-final felling in forests in the Agricultural Property Stock of the Treasury included in the National Forest Inventory and accounted for about 186 thousand m3 gross annually, which comprised:

The greatest number of forests under National Park management occur in the habitats of mountain forests.

The dominant species with the highest share in forests under National Park management are: pine (30.3%), beech (25.6%) and spruce (15.4%).


Other State Treasury Forests

Total area of other Treasury-owned forests - as of January 1, 2022 - amounted to 36 thousand hectares; the standing volume was 18 thousand m3 and the average age of stands was about 66 years. The average standing volume amounted to 301 m3 per hectare of the forest area.

Since there are few reliable data sources, the principal felling management tasks were estimated basing only on the data on final felling and pre-final felling in other Treasury-owned forests included in the National Forest Inventory and accounted for about 165 thousand m3 gross annually, which comprised:


According to CSO Forestry 2022, National Forest Inventory (2018-2022)