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Protection of the forest

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2024 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2023 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2022 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2021 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2020 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2019 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2018 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2017 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2016 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2015 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2014 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2013 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2012 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2011 download (only Polish language version)

The short-term forecast the occurrence of major pests and infectious diseases of forest trees in Poland in 2010 download (only Polish language version)

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