Witamy w portalu internetowym Banku Danych o Lasach.

We have released a new 3.49.1 version of the BDL portal, where we have made the following modifications:

1. We have extended the measurement tool so that it is possible to measure several objects simultaneously (e.g. several polygons or distances).
2. We have improved several other elements of the measurement tool, including the visibility of the measurement result on the map after it has been completed.
3. We have added the ability to load files packed in folders.
4. We have improved the zooming of the map into the loaded KML/GPX/SHP file.
5. We have improved the mechanism for loading data from WMS/WMTS.
6. We have added a message at the start of the map informing of the illustrative character of data presented in maps.
7. We have added links in the footer of the page leading to the YouTube channel and Facebook profile.
8. We have introduced minor changes in selected elements of the portal interface.